Can a program offer multiple tracks? Can a program submit five different tracks (each with a different blend of curriculum, sites, duration, patient age group)? Are there limits on the number of tracks that can be offered?
You may enter multiple tracks for different training programs within the match. Programs may have a wide variety of different training tracks (i.e., one-year epilepsy, one-year CNP, two-year combined CNP/epilepsy, pediatric epilepsy, adult epilepsy, etc.) If your program offers separate tracks, you must create separate rank-order lists of applicants who are interested in each of the tracks.
You must be very clear with applicants regarding which training track is which, so that they may rank the training track in which they are interested. Information can be provided on the ERAS website to help candidates distinguish between different tracks.
If you have specific questions or concerns about how to set up tracks within the match, NRMP is happy to provide guidance to individual programs
If multiple tracks are offered and a separate match list is submitted for each track, can a program put the same candidate on the match list for multiple tracks?
Yes, you may put the same applicant on multiple rank lists.
As an applicant, can you list multiple tracks within the same program?
Yes, you may list multiple tracks within a single program. For example, if you are interested in a program at Hospital University, and Hospital University offers an EEG track CNP program, and an IOM-track program, you may list both tracks on your Match list; however, it is generally advisable to let the program director know that you are interested in applying to both.
If multiple tracks are offered, can those tracks be changed from year to year?
Yes, tracks can be changed from one year to the next depending on funding, program interest, etc. However, if no changes are made, the tracks will roll over without change from year to year.
What is the deadline for submitting tracks to NRMP?
Tracks must be submitted before ranking begins (i.e., before rank lists are submitted). However, the number of positions in each track must be submitted prior to the quota change deadline of Wednesday, April 16, 2025 ( typically two weeks before the rank list deadline).
If an institution has funding for a set number of total slots divided between epilepsy and CNP, but normally shares this funding between the two programs, (i.e., a program can fund three fellows, which can be three CNP, three epilepsy, two CNP/one epilepsy, or one CNP/two epilepsy) can the match accommodate this flexibility?
One of the ways that NRMP allows flexibility between programs is through a process known as reversion. Reversions allow programs the opportunity to donate unfilled positions in one program track to another program track during the matching process (i.e., as the algorithm is running.) With reversions, if a donor program (i.e., the program that you think may not fill) does not fill its quota during the running of the algorithm, a designated number of positions can be moved over from the donor track to a recipient track to try and fill those positions in the recipient track. This offers some degree of protection against the possibility that positions will remain unfilled when the algorithm is processed. In general, programs should revert positions to the training type that they think is most likely to fill or to the training type that they most want to offer.
If, for example, you have two programs, each with two positions: a one-year epilepsy track, which is the receiver program, and a two-year epilepsy-CNP track which is the donor program. The donor two-year track is designed to revert its two positions to the one-year epilepsy track if its positions go unfilled. If the algorithm filled only one of the two-year epilepsy-CNP track positions, the second position would be potentially unfilled. However, because of the reversion, the one-year epilepsy track could then fill three positions. If there were three available candidates in the one-year epilepsy track, the Match algorithm would result in one candidate matched to the two-year epilepsy-CNP track, and three candidates matched to the one-year epilepsy track. However, all four positions have been filled.
It should be noted that programs can revert positions to multiple tracks within the same institution. However, only the donor program can create a reversion, and no circular reversions are allowed (i.e., you cannot set a CNP track to donate unfilled positions to an epilepsy track, and simultaneously set the epilepsy track to donate unfilled positions to the CNP track). All reversions must be approved by the institutional officer within your facility.
It is imperative that when considering this process, that you assure that reversion will not result in either the CNP or epilepsy program exceeding its complement. Please note that the Neurology RRC will not approve a temporary increase in complement when the request is for the entire duration of the training program. In such cases, a permanent increase would need to be requested. For additional information regarding complement increases, please contact the ACGME.
What is the deadline for submitting a reversion request?
Reversions can be added, changed, or deleted until the Rank order list certification deadline (April 30, 2025).
Are programs required to have reversions?
No. Reversions are an option to increase the flexibility of programs that offer multiple tracks, but programs are not required to offer reversions at all.
Can you have a track that includes an ACGME-equivalent year of training or a non-ACGME accredited year of training?
Yes, you may create separate tracks with an ACGME equivalent year of training; it would need to be listed in a manner that allowed it to be distinguished from other tracks, and you would need to be forthright with applicants about the fact that one year is not ACGME accredited, and the applicants would need to understand the nature of the training that they would receive.
Can you have multiple tracks within clinical neurophysiology to appeal to fellows with different clinical interests (i.e., a “CNP-EEG track with 80% EEG, 20% IOM and mixed-CNP with 50% EEG, 50% EMG)?
Yes, you may create separate tracks with different curriculum or clinical foci (see question #1). You would need to find a way to list/identify these tracks that allowed applicants to easily distinguish between these different tracks (i.e., Clinical Neurophysiology/Mixed-EMG-EEG versus Clinical Neurophysiology/EEG.)
Do trainees have flexibility in applying to different tracks (i.e., can they apply to multiple tracks within the same program)?
Yes, trainees can apply to and rank multiple tracks within the same program when they create their individual rank list. Trainees can rank as many programs/tracks as they choose, although there are fees if they rank more than 20 tracks in total.
Can a program create two separate tracks for adult and pediatric programs? Are programs required to create separate tracks for adult and pediatric programs?
Yes, programs may create two separate tracks for adult and pediatric programs. However, if a program combined adult and pediatric training, it would not be required that the adult and pediatric programs be listed on separate tracks (i.e., you may create a single rank list with a mix of pediatric and adult applicants).
For programs utilizing two-year tracks, can the order of tracks be reversed (i.e., fellows can match for CNP followed by epilepsy or epilepsy followed by CNP?)
Yes. Ultimately, if you designate a track as “Epilepsy-CNP-two-year,” then the decision about the order in which fellows are trained (i.e., CNP then epilepsy or epilepsy then CNP) once they match into a program can be determined by the program. The NRMP does not dictate the specific order once the fellow has matched.
If you have one position and could offer the fellow two options for tracks depending on their needs, can you create two tracks? Or does that imply two positions?
This would require two positions. You cannot have a track with a quota of zero. You must have at least one available slot in each track.
For programs offering the option for one year vs. two years (where the second year is a separate fellowship such CNP followed by epilepsy), how will this be handled? Are these two different matches/tracks?
If a program has both a one-year and a two-year program, these would be listed as separate tracks; however, a program may agree to accept an applicant for both years if they match to a two-year program.
How are different tracks displayed on the ERAS website?
Individual tracks can be displayed on the ERAS website. Program requirements and more detailed information about the tracks can be published on the website and can be edited at any time prior to a fellow applying to the program.
For applicants who intend to apply to both epilepsy and clinical neurophysiology programs, will they submit a single unified rank list, or two separate rank lists? Will applicants pay applicant fees for both epilepsy and clinical neurophysiology?
Applicants only have a single NRMP rank order list and can rank both specialties on the list however they choose. ERAS charges by the number of the programs. Their fees can be found here.