
Detection of Distinct Brain Network Structure Between Mesial Temporal and Neocortical Epilepsy; A Resting-state Fmri Study

Abstract number : 2.327
Submission category : 5. Neuro Imaging / 5B. Functional Imaging
Year : 2024
Submission ID : 204
Source : www.aesnet.org
Presentation date : 12/8/2024 12:00:00 AM
Published date :

Authors :
Presenting Author: Yasuo Nakai, MD, PhD – Wakayama Medical University

Hiroki Nishibayashi, MD, PhD – Minami Wakayama Medical Center
Tomohiro Donishi, MD, PhD – Wakayama Medical University
Yoshiki Kaneoke, MD, PhD – Wakayama-Minami Radiology Clinic
Naoyuki Nakao, MD, PhD – Wakayama Medical University

Rationale: Anatomo-clinical characteristics differ from mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (mTLE) and neocortical epilepsy (NE). We hypothesized that this might be reflected in the different functional connectivity of the epileptogenic zone between mTLE and NE. We explored the difference of the brain network structure between mTLE and NE using preoperative resting-state functional MRI with connectivity analysis for surgically treated patients.

Methods: Twenty-four patients who underwent resectionsurgery (12 mTLE, 12 NE, age; 35.3±13.0 years old) were included in the study. Regional global connectivity (rGC) was created for each voxel as the average of the functional connectivities to all the other voxels. The mean rGC and the number of high or low voxels were calculated using preoperative MRI in various regions of interest including the resected area. We used the Mann-Whitney U test to compare the values and ratio of rGC in the resected area and whole brain.

Results: The ratio of mean rGC in the resected area was significantly lower in mTLE than in NE (U=32, z=-2.28, p=0.0026), and the mean rGC was significantly lower in the resected area than in the whole brain in mTLE (U=1, z=-4.07, p< 0.0001). Low rGC voxels were observed to correspond with local ictal onset discharge in mTLE. High rGC voxels were frequently observed corresponding with non-localizing ictal onset discharge, ictal spreading area, or eloquent area in NE.

Conclusions: Our analysis using resting-state functional connectivity MRI detected a distinct brain network structure between mTLE and NE. It may provide landmarks for lateralization or epileptogenic zones in mTLE, and widespread epileptogenicity or eloquent areas in NE.

Funding: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)

Neuro Imaging