Your gift to the American Epilepsy Society will be designated for the area of greatest need. If you prefer instead to direct it to a specific named fund at AES, you may choose one of these funds when you make your donation:
Lennox and Lombroso Trust for Research and Training
Research grants and fellowships for junior investigators
Supports fellowships and early career grants for pre- and postgraduates, plus newly independent faculty. Also recognizes role models for epilepsy research through support of the Lombroso Lecture at the AES Annual Meeting and the annual Founders Award, which recognizes an AES member for lifetime achievement related to advancing knowledge about epilepsy causes, treatment, and care.
Susan S. Spencer Fund for Clinical Research and Education
Clinical research fellowships
Supports a two-year clinical research fellowship that provides clinical lab and methodology experience, plus the execution of a research project. Designed for new investigators at the beginning of their career.
Sergievsky Research Fund for Epilepsy Health Equity and Diversity
Support work in underserved communities and for professionals from underrepresented groups
Dedicated to advancing the careers of doctors from underrepresented groups, preferably Black and African American, with an interest in medically underserved people with epilepsy. The fund was created through a gift from the estate of Kira Sergievsky, daughter of Gertrude H. and Boris Sergievsky.
Jack M. Pellock Pediatric Travel Award Fund
Best pediatric paper(s)
Supports the presentation of the best one or two pediatric abstracts by early career investigators every year at the AES Annual Meeting. Provides an ongoing platform for promoting excellence in pediatric epilepsy and advancing the careers of promising young professionals—just like Dr. Pellock did so admirably throughout his own career.
J. Kiffin Penry Fund
Programs to improve patient care and quality of life for persons with epilepsy
Recognizes professionals who have demonstrated a lifelong focus on and genuine concern for the patient with epilepsy, as Dr. Penry did. Honors those whose work has had a major impact on patient care and improved the quality of life for persons with epilepsy.
Fritz Dreifuss Epilepsy Fund
Research and mentoring of young physicians
Commemorates the leadership and passion Dr. Dreifuss brought to the care of his patients, the mentoring of young physicians, and the groundbreaking research he led. Supports an award and lecture that promotes clinical epilepsy research and outstanding patient care.
Rebecca Goldberg Kaufman Ethical Neuropsychiatry Award Fund
Advances in psychiatry in epilepsy care
Raises awareness of the importance of psychiatry in epilepsy care. Supports papers and a lecture on the psycho-social aspects of epilepsy care and treatment.
Suzanne and Peter Berry International Travel Award Fund
Clinical investigators from developing countries
Recognizes outstanding young investigators doing research in clinical neuroscience related to epilepsy in Asia, Africa, Oceania, Middle East, or Latin America, by supporting travel to present their research at the AES Annual Meeting.
Junior Mexican Epileptologists Travel Award Fund
Best paper(s) from the Mexican League Against Epilepsy
Supports the presentation of the best abstract(s) presented by early career investigators from the Mexican League Against Epilepsy every year at the AES Annual Meeting. Provides an ongoing platform for promoting excellence in epilepsy and advancing the careers of promising young professionals working in Mexico.
Grass Young Investigator Travel Award Fund
Supporting young investigators
This award recognizes and honors outstanding young investigators conducting research in basic or clinical neuroscience related to epilepsy. The Grass Foundation and AES combine resources to provide awards to deserving candidates to help support costs to present their research at the AES Annual Meeting.