Early and Widespread Engagement of the Cerebellum During Hippocampal Epileptiform Activity
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1. Basic Mechanisms / 1F. Other
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Presentation date :
12/7/2024 12:00:00 AM
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Authors :
Presenting Author: Martha Streng, PhD – University of Minnesota
Benjamin Kottke, BA – University of Minnesota
Emma Wasserman, BA – University of Minnesota
Lucas Zecker, BA – University of Minnesota
Linh Luong, BA – University of Minnesota
Timothy Ebner, MD, PhD – University of Minnesota
Esther Krook-Magnuson, PhD – University of Minnesota
Rationale: Despite research illustrating the cerebellum may be a critical circuit element in the epilepsies, remarkably little is known about cerebellar engagement during seizures.
Methods: We therefore implemented a novel method for repeated imaging of the cerebellum in awake, chronically epileptic animals.
Results: We found widespread changes in cerebellar calcium signals during behavioral seizures and during hippocampal seizures that remained electrographic only, arguing against cerebellar modulation simply reflecting motor components. Moreover, even brief interictal spikes produced widespread alterations in cerebellar activity. Changes were noted in the anterior and posterior cerebellum, along the midline, and both ipsilaterally and contralaterally to the seizure focus. Remarkably, changes in the cerebellum also occurred prior to any noticeable change in the hippocampal electrographic recordings, suggesting a special relationship between the cerebellum and hippocampal epileptiform activity
Conclusions: Together these results underscore the importance of the cerebellum in epilepsy, warranting a more consistent consideration of the cerebellum when evaluating epilepsy patients.
Funding: This work was supported in part by NIH K99NS121274 (MLS), NIH R01-NS112518 (EKM), P30 DA048742 (TJE), an American Epilepsy Society Postdoctoral Fellowship (MLS), NIH R01NS111028 (TJE), RF1 NS126044 (TJE), and a University of Minnesota McKnight LandGrant Professorship award (EKM).
Basic Mechanisms