In our institution, the rate of finding status epilepticus or seizures among stat EEGs is 2%, while the rate of detecting interictal epileptiform discharges is 8%. This study suggests that stat EEGs rarely detect active electrographic seizures.
Proper ordering of stat EEG involves establishing clear criteria and a structured triage process to ensure timely and appropriate use of resources. Stat EEGs should be prioritized for patients with acute unexplained neurological changes such as sudden altered mental status, suspected non-convulsive status epilepticus, or new-onset seizures. By implementing a standardized protocol, we can delineate the specific indications for a stat EEG, ensure necessary clinical information is provided to guide decision-making and optimize resource utilization while enhancing diagnostic accuracy.
Furthermore, a collaborative approach between the requesting physician and the neurodiagnostic team is essential to help manage workload efficiently and optimize patient outcomes.