
Evaluating Clinician Engagement in Online Educational Modules on Epilepsy Self-management: A Pilot Study

Abstract number : 2.086
Submission category : 17. Public Health
Year : 2024
Submission ID : 324
Source : www.aesnet.org
Presentation date : 12/8/2024 12:00:00 AM
Published date :

Authors :
Presenting Author: Shawna Strickland, PhD, CAE, RRT, FAARC – American Epilepsy Society

Alexis Griffith, MPH – American Epilepsy Society
Anne Gramiak, MPH, MSLOC – American Epilepsy Society
Melissa Ball, MS, CAE, PMP – American Epilepsy Society
Sarah Kaden, BA – Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Barbara Jobst, MD, PhD – Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Elaine Kiriakopoulos, MD, MPH, MSc – Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center

Rationale: Epilepsy self-management (ESM) has been defined as the steps or behaviors people with epilepsy (PWE) use to manage their seizures, treatments, and the impact of epilepsy on their daily lives. Evidence based ESM is a critical part of patient-centered care as it involves the person with epilepsy, their loved ones, and healthcare providers. This pilot study aims to quantify the ability of self-directed online educational modules on ESM to engage and inform multidisciplinary health care professionals who are epilepsy specialists and non-specialists.

Methods: Two interactive, on-demand educational eLearning modules were developed by the American Epilepsy Society (AES) in collaboration with the Dartmouth Health ESM team target to epilepsy specialists (“Empowering Epilepsy Patients: Self-Management Programs in Your Clinic”) and non-specialists (“Epilepsy Self-Management: A Learning Module for Multilevel Primary and Behavioral Care Providers”). Recruitment of participants included distribution to AES membership and to non-specialist professional organizations and community-based epilepsy organizations that are representatives on a standing AES advisory committee, including AAP; American College of Emergency Physicians; National Rural Health Association; National Minority Health Association; American Association of Nurse Practitioners; ELC; Epilepsy Foundation; Epilepsy Alliance America; AAN; American Psychological Association; VHA Epilepsy Centers of Excellence; and Epilepsy Alliance of Florida.

Results: Registration for two on-demand eLearning modules in this pilot study included 242 self-identified epilepsy specialists (Table 1) and 56 non-epilepsy specialists (Table 1). Specialists from 32 states registered for the epilepsy specialist module (Figure 1A.) and non-specialists from 21 states participated in the non-specialist module (Figure 1B). 84 international registrants from 45 countries participated in the eLearning modules (Figure 1C). Pilot module evaluations (n=34) shared 91% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that the course helped them recognize the benefits of ESM for PWE; 88% agreed or strongly agreed the that the course material is relevant to their work practice and job and that the course helped them to consider training to adopt and implement an epilepsy ESM program. 97% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed they have more confidence in identifying appropriate ESM programs for their patients and that they will refer of suggest people with epilepsy participate in ESM.

Conclusions: A population health-based approach to improving outcomes in epilepsy requires building a health care workforce with knowledge around the multiple aspects of epilepsy, beyond diagnosis and treatment, and inclusive of evidence based epilepsy self-management. Targeted outreach to both specialist and non-specialist providers will allow for improved access to evidence based supports for PWE.

Funding: These activities are supported by the CDC of the US HHS as part of a financial assistance award totaling $1,500,000 with 100% funded by CDC/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor are they an endorsement, by CDC/HHS, or the US Government.

Public Health