Evaluation of the Epilepsy Foundation's Seizure First Aid Certification Training Program
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17. Public Health
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Presentation date :
12/8/2024 12:00:00 AM
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Authors :
Author: LaQueisa Haynes-Smith, MS, MCHES – Epilepsy Foundation
Cheryl Houston, BS – Epilepsy Foundation
Victor Solis, BS – Epilepsy Foundation
Brandy Fureman, PhD – Epilepsy Foundation
Presenting Author: Thometta Cozart, M.P.H., M.S. – Epilepsy Foundation
Brian Gilchrist, PhD, MPH – Epilepsy Foundation
Rationale: One out of 10 people worldwide will have a seizure at some point in their lives, and 1 in 26 people will develop epilepsy. Epilepsy is the 4th most common neurological disease in the United States (US) and is characterized by recurring seizures, yet, awareness of seizures and about how to respond to a person during a seizure, called seizure first aid (SFA), is sorely lacking. The Epilepsy Foundation developed a seizure response training for the general public. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of the Epilepsy Foundation’s Seizure First Aid Certification Training program.
Participants of the Seizure First Aid program completed an electronically administered pre and post survey. A non-experimental longitudinal research design with two wave of measurement was used to measure epilepsy and seizure first aid knowledge and self-efficacy to provide first aid for someone who may be having a seizure. Participant completed an online Survey Monkey survey. Paired-sample T-tests were conducted using SPSSv27.
Paired-sample T-tests were conducted to assess the magnitude, direction, and significance of any observed changes of SFA knowledge and self-efficacy between the pre and posttests among the sample. Both SFA knowledge (M = -3.18, SD = 4.82, t(93) = -6.40, p = .000) and SFA self-efficacy (M = -12.60, SD = 7.31, t(80) = -15.52, p = .000) were significantly improved among the sample between the pre and posttests. Additionally, the majority of the sample reported being highly satisfied with the training (98.8%).
Conclusions: The Epilepsy Foundation developed seizure response training for first responders, school nurses and other personnel, thought prior to 2020, there were no standardized SFA training programs in the US available to the public. With the development of this program, members of the general population can be certified to assist a person having a seizure.
This work is made possible with funding from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under cooperative agreement number NU58DP006065-01-00. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the CDC.
Public Health