HOBSCOTCH: Examining Quality of Life Benefit and Program Satisfaction in Young Adults with Epilepsy and Subjective Cognitive Challenges
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17. Public Health
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12/8/2024 12:00:00 AM
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Authors :
Presenting Author: Jessica DeNaples, MPH – Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Lisa Sackett, Ph.D – Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Maureen Quigley, APRN – Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Laura De Muro, MS, CHW – Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Trina Dawson, BA, CHW – Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Edward Camp, BA – HOBSCOTCH Institute
Elaine Kiriakopoulos, MD, MPH, MSc – Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Sarah Kaden, BA – Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Rationale: Rationale Young adulthood can be one of life's most demanding phases, and for young adults with epilepsy this dynamic time can pose greater psychosocial challenges due to the unpredictability of seizures and the side effects related to treatments to control them. The presence of comorbid mental illness and cognitive dysfunction can further complicate quality of life (QOL) for young adults. There is a need for psychoeducation programs that offer support tailored to improving QOL for young adults with epilepsy. HOBSCOTCH (HOme-Based Self-management and COgnitive Training CHanges Lives) has emerged as an evidence-based self-management intervention that has demonstrated effectiveness in enhancing QOL and cognitive function in adults with epilepsy, however, the specific benefits of HOBSCOTCH have not been explored in young adults. In this study, we examine QOL and program satisfaction among a subset of young adults (age 29 and younger) who received the telehealth delivered HOBSCOTCH intervention.
Methods: Methods Participants (Table 1) were provided with the HOBSCOTCH intervention via trial delivery (n=15) or through routine general delivery (n=45). All intervention sessions were provided by Dartmouth’s HOBSCOTCH Institute Coaching staff. All participants completed the 8 standardized sessions of HOBSCOTCH virtually (online, telephone). A Quality of Life in Epilepsy assessment (QOLIE-10) was collected pre- and post-intervention. A patient satisfaction survey was completed post-intervention. Pre- and post-treatment QOLIE-10 scores were analyzed using Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
Results: Results Participants were 60 adults (Male 21; Female 39) aged 29 or younger (mean 23.7+4.53) who completed a pre- and post-HOBSCOTCH intervention QOLIE-10. Pre-intervention QOLIE-10 (M=3.17±0.10) was significantly greater than post-intervention (2.69±0.10; p< 0.001), suggesting a significant improvement in QOL following HOBSCOTCH (Fig 1A, 1B). A subset (n=42) completed a post-intervention program satisfaction survey. Satisfaction survey responses indicated that participants felt they were better able to manage their memory problems after participation in the program and the Problem Solving Therapy process was helpful in managing and working through their memory issues (Fig 1C, 1D).
Conclusions: Conclusions This study represents the first exploration of QOL and satisfaction outcomes associated with the HOBSCOTCH intervention among young adults with epilepsy. Results indicate that HOBSCOTCH effectively enhances QOL among younger individuals with epilepsy, with participants expressing a high level of satisfaction upon program completion and utility for the tools and strategies shared by the program. It's important to note limitations such as the modest sample size and the necessity for additional research to investigate both specific and diverse subpopulations of vulnerable young adults. Moreover, further study is warranted to understand how comorbid psychosocial, seizure and treatment related factors influence QOL results to inform comprehensive supports.
Funding: Funding: n/a
Public Health