
Impact of Cannabis Consumption on Seizure Frequency and Lifestyle Factors in Epileptic Patients

Abstract number : 2.211
Submission category : 4. Clinical Epilepsy / 4A. Classification and Syndromes
Year : 2024
Submission ID : 618
Source : www.aesnet.org
Presentation date : 12/8/2024 12:00:00 AM
Published date :

Authors :
Presenting Author: Santiago Philibert-Rosas, M.D – Neurology Department, University of Wisconsin Madison

Author: Aaron Struck, MD – University of Wisconsin-Madison

Abigail Keller, MS1 – University of Wisconsin - Madison
Sanaa Semia, MS1 – University of Wisconsin - Madison
Mariel Kalkach Aparicio, MD, MBE – University of Wisconsin-Madison

Rationale: Cannabis, a widely used recreational drug, contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), its primary psychoactive component. THC, consumed orally or inhaled, leads to sedation, euphoria, relaxation, and reduced social inhibition.1 Medical cannabis, with varying levels of THC and similar cannabinoids, is used to treat neurological conditions like multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and headaches but can sometimes worsen these conditions.2 The relationship between THC and seizures, individual susceptibility, and whether THC promotes epilepsy remains unclear. It is hypothesized that THC use may be linked to more severe clinical epilepsy, including frequent seizures and greater cognitive and psychiatric issues.

Methods: This retrospective study analyzed medical records of 86 patients, categorized into cannabis consumers (CC) and non-consumers (NC). We analyzed demographic variables, clinical history, seizure type. Comparative statistical analyses were conducted.

Results: Significant differences were observed in the total number of generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCs) among the groups, with cannabis consumers exhibiting higher seizure counts (CC: 47.61%, NC: 18.46% p= 0.04). Lifestyle factors such as cigarette (CC: 33.33% NC: 4.62% p=0.0002) and alcohol use also varied significantly (CC: 19.05% NC: 3.01% p=0.012), indicating higher usage rates among cannabis consumers.

Conclusions: These findings suggest a potential association between cannabis consumption and increased seizure frequency. These results highlight the need for further research to understand the clinical implications of cannabis use in epilepsy management.

Funding: No funding.

Clinical Epilepsy