
Neurologists Improve Their Knowledge, Competence, and Confidence of Seizure Action Plans and Seizure Rescue Medications Following Participation in an Online Certified Medical Education Program

Abstract number : 3.328
Submission category : 4. Clinical Epilepsy / 4C. Clinical Treatments
Year : 2024
Submission ID : 60
Source : www.aesnet.org
Presentation date : 12/9/2024 12:00:00 AM
Published date :

Authors :
Presenting Author: Thomas Finnegan, PhD – Medscape Education

Frances McFarland, PhD – Medscape Education
Ann Carothers, BS – Medscape Education
Danielle Becker, MD, MS – Department of Neurology, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Patricia Penovich, MD – Minnesota Epilepsy Group

Rationale: Epilepsy is associated with significant impairments in cognitive, psychologic, and social functioning, as well as increased risk of death. Despite the extensive negative health-related impacts associated with epilepsy, some patients continue to experience suboptimal care. Contributors to suboptimal care include patients without a seizure action plan and the underprescribing of seizure rescue medications to eligible patients. Clinicians would benefit from improved awareness on the integration of seizure action plans and the use of seizure rescue medications into clinical practice. A study was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of an online educational intervention to improve knowledge, competence, and confidence among neurologists relating to the development of seizure action plans and use of seizure rescue medications.

Methods: The online continuing medical education (CME) activity format consisted of a 50-minute video discussion between four epileptologists and a patient advocate which was recorded during a live CME-certified symposium at the 2023 American Epilepsy Society annual meeting. Educational effect was assessed by comparing a matched sample of neurology provider responses to four identical questions presented before and directly after exposure to the intervention. A paired samples t-test was used for overall average number of correct responses and for confidence rating and a McNemar’s test was used to identify significant differences between pre- and post-assessment question responses. Cohen’s d was used to calculate the effect size of the online education. Data from the participants were collected between December 15, 2023 and February 5, 2024.

Results: Neurologist participation in the CME intervention resulted in a moderate educational effect size (n=87; d=.65; p< 0.001). The following areas showed significant (P < .05) pre- vs post-educational improvements: information that should always be included in an acute seizure action plan; clinically relevant differences between intranasal diazepam and intranasal midazolam; and the individualized selection of an appropriate seizure rescue medication for a patient with seizure clusters. After participating in the activity, 66% of neurologists reported an increase in confidence in their ability to identify adult patients with epilepsy who should have a seizure action plan.

Conclusions: The results indicated that this CME-certified 50-minute video discussion between physician experts was effective at improving awareness among neurologists regarding both seizure action plans and seizure rescue medications. Future educational efforts should continue to address the core features of seizure action plans as well as strategies to personalize the selection of seizure rescue medications.

Funding: The educational activity and outcomes analysis were funded through an independent educational grant from Neurelis, Inc.

Clinical Epilepsy