Participants’ Views on the Value of an Online Group Memory Strategies Program
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11. Behavior/Neuropsychology/Language / 11A. Adult
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Presentation date :
12/9/2024 12:00:00 AM
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Authors :
Presenting Author: Mary Lou Smith, PhD – University of Toronto & Hospital for Sick Children
Mary Pat McAndrews, PhD – University Health Network
David Gold, PhD – Toronto Western Hospital - UHN
Rosalee Smith, MA, RP – Epilepsy Toronto
Susan Hayman-Abello, PhD, C. Psych. – London Health Sciences Centre
Sahil Patel, Bsc – Toronto Western Hospital - UHN
Elizabeth Kerr, PhD – The Hospital for Sick Children
Rationale: STREAM (STrategies for Memory And Epilepsy) is an 8-week, online group program to teach adults with epilepsy strategies for managing memory deficits. In addition, it provides education about the brain systems underlying epilepsy, and lifestyle factors that can also influence memory (nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress). During hourly sessions, didactic information is presented on these topics and time is allocated for discussion, practice of strategies, and sharing of successes and failures in implementing strategies taught in previous sessions. A portal contains session summaries and animated scenarios to reinforce information and strategies. STREAM differs from other memory programs in that it combines an online presentation (to facilitate ease of participation) and a group format (for social support). This study aimed to evaluate the multiple benefits of STREAM.
Methods: Nineteen adults (11 female; mean age 45.5 years, range 29-66) from two separate STREAM groups were interviewed about their ability to use the information learned, their experiences and their views on the impact of the program within 6 weeks after the completion of STREAM.
Results: 95% rated their ability to apply what they learned in their everyday life as good or excellent, and 63% reported that they were doing so most or almost all of the time. 84% felt that they managed their memory better. 75% spontaneously mentioned that they valued the group format.
Perceived benefits of the program included learning about the science of memory and the relationship of epilepsy and its treatment to memory impairments. Sharing with others with epilepsy who were also experiencing memory deficits had a powerful personal effect. Several reported that for the first time they understood that they were not alone in dealing with these challenges, were now able to attribute them to medical factors rather than personal failures, and felt legitimized in their concerns. The strategies were recognized as practical, flexible and helpful. Participants indicated that they felt empowered and had greater confidence in managing the limitations imposed by their memory deficits.
Conclusions: An online memory program is a time- and cost-effective way to provide psychoeducation and teach strategies to people with epilepsy. Due to the group nature of the program, the benefits extended beyond the learning of memory strategies, providing social support and leading to a better understanding of the interrelationship between epilepsy and memory, and improved self-acceptance.
Funding: The Ontario Brain Institute, an independent nonprofit corporation, funded
partially by the Ontario government.