
Standardized Epilepsy Self-management: Examining Quality of Life Impact and Program Satisfaction in Older Adults with Epilepsy and Subjective Cognitive Challenges

Abstract number : 3.384
Submission category : 6. Cormorbidity (Somatic and Psychiatric)
Year : 2024
Submission ID : 570
Source : www.aesnet.org
Presentation date : 12/9/2024 12:00:00 AM
Published date :

Authors :
Presenting Author: Anna Graefe, PhD – Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center

Lisa Sackett, Ph.D – Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Maureen Quigley, APRN – Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Barbara Jobst, MD, PhD – Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Edward Camp, BA – HOBSCOTCH Institute
Sarah Kaden, BA – Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Suzanne Lenz, MA, CCRP – Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Trina Dawson, BA, CHW – Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Elaine Kiriakopoulos, MD, MPH, MSc – Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center

Rationale: Older adults have the highest prevalence and incidence of epilepsy, yet there is little research on interventions aimed at improving quality of life (QOL)in this population. HOBSCOTCH (HOme-Based Self-management and COgnitive Training CHanges Lives) is an evidence-based self-management intervention shown to improve QOL and cognitive function in adults with epilepsy. However, outcomes for epilepsy self-management programs, including HOBSCOTCH, have not been specifically investigated in older adults. We examined QOL and program satisfaction in a subset of older adults (60+) who received an entirely virtual version of HOBSCOTCH.

Methods: Participants were recruited nationwide as part of a larger study. All intervention sessions were provided by Dartmouth’s HOBSCOTCH Institute Coaching staff. Participants completed 8 sessions of HOBSCOTCH and three booster sessions via telephone/virtually. Quality of Life in Epilepsy (QOLIE-10) was collected pre- and post-intervention. A 9-question patient satisfaction survey was completed post-intervention. Pre- and post-treatment QOLIE-10 scores were analyzed using Wilcoxon signed-rank test.

Results: Participants were 61 adults aged 60 and older (mean 65.1+4.46) who completed pre- and post-treatment QOLIE-10 (Table 1). Pre-intervention QOLIE-10 (M = 2.78, SD = 0.10) was significantly greater than post-intervention (M = 2.51, SD = 0.10; p < .001) (Figure 1 A,B), suggesting significant improvement in QOL following HOBSCOTCH. A subset (n=32) completed a post-intervention satisfaction survey. Satisfaction survey responses indicated that participants felt that the program was beneficial and applicable to their cognitive problems (Figure 1 C,D). On a 7-point Likert scale, where lower numbers indicated greater satisfaction, participants indicated continuing to learn skills, strategies learned in the program and the helpfulness of problem solving therapy (M = 1.28, SD = 1.08; M = 1.44, SD = 1.11, respectively).
Cormorbidity (Somatic and Psychiatric)