
Targeted Educational Interventions Bring Potential to Improve Equitable Care in Epilepsy

Abstract number : 3.161
Submission category : 17. Public Health
Year : 2024
Submission ID : 551
Source : www.aesnet.org
Presentation date : 12/9/2024 12:00:00 AM
Published date :

Authors :
Presenting Author: Alexis Griffith, MPH – American Epilepsy Society

Shawna Strickland, PhD, CAE, RRT, FAARC – American Epilepsy Society
Barbara Jobst, MD, PhD – Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Sarah Kaden, BA – Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Anne Gramiak, MPH, MSLOC – American Epilepsy Society
Melissa Ball, MS, CAE, PMP – American Epilepsy Society
Elaine Kiriakopoulos, MD, MPH, MSc – Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center

Rationale: Individuals diagnosed with epilepsy encounter numerous healthcare inequalities, ranging from limited access to specialized care and the management of concurrent mental and physical health issues to socioeconomic obstacles and inadequate social support. In the United States, people with epilepsy seek care across various clinical settings, with approximately 80% consulting general practitioners annually and 60% visiting neurologists or epileptologists.1 This project aims to evaluate educational interventions targeted at identified areas of insufficient knowledge and confidence and provide up to date learning regarding key topics in epilepsy care, among both epilepsy specialist clinicians (ESC) and non-specialist clinicians (NSC).

Methods: Six on-demand courses were developed in response to national needs assessment survey data gathered from ESC and NSC in 2022. Three ESC targeted modules addressed Advances in Treatment for Epilepsy; Genetic Testing in Epilepsy; and The Role of Social Determinants of Health in Epilepsy and three NSC focused modules addressed Living with Epilepsy; Therapeutic Considerations of Anti-Seizure Medications; Nonpharmacologic Treatments for Epilepsy. We evaluated interest in the topics by registrant geographic location and professional roles post-course evaluation responses, and knowledge gains as demonstrated by the differences in pre- and post-course knowledge assessments for an 8-month period (October 2023-May 2024).

Results: A total of 625 ESC course registrations (282, 218, and 125, respectively) and 668 NSC course registrations (145, 360, and 161, respectively) were identified. ESC from 43 states, NSC from 40 states, and 399 international participants registered for one or more of the 6 courses (Figure 1). Improvement in pre- and post-test scores for all courses — 3 ESC modules and 3 NSC modules — demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in knowledge (p < .001;Table 1). Evaluation data (n = 230) identified 99.5% of respondents across all 6 courses agreed or strongly agreed that the course material is relevant to their work practices and job.
Public Health