Use of a Computerized Assessment Tool in Individuals with a History of Seizures
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11. Behavior/Neuropsychology/Language / 11A. Adult
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Presentation date :
12/9/2024 12:00:00 AM
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Authors :
Presenting Author: Brett Montgomery, M.A. – Hoag Memorial Presbyterian Hospital
Megan Maguire, Psy.D. – Hoag Memorial Presbyterian Hospital
Christopher Reeves, M.A. – Hoag Memorial Presbyterian Hospital
Jessica Romano, M.A. – Hoag Memorial Presbyterian Hospital
Julia Larratt, B.A. – Hoag Memorial Presbyterian Hospital
Lauren Bennett, Ph.D. – Hoag Memorial Presbyterian Hospital
Rationale: Rationale: Individuals with seizures commonly experience cognitive decline secondary to seizure activity and treatment methods (e.g., anti-seizure medications [ASMs], surgical interventions). Neuropsychological testing, a valuable tool in serial monitoring of cognitive functioning, is expensive, time-consuming, and not always widely available. Given that cognitive functioning varies in individuals with a seizure history based on multiple factors, including underlying pathologies, seizure focus and type, disease course, and treatment side effects, traditional neuropsychological assessment measuring performance across all cognitive domains can take more than 4 hours. In an effort to provide a viable alternative, interest in computerized assessments has increased. The FDA-approved Cognivue Clarity® is a computerized assessment that requires 10 to 20 minutes to complete and assesses memory, executive function/attention, discrimination, and visuospatial skills, in addition to providing an overall cognitive functioning score. This study aimed to evaluate the clinical utility of Cognivue Clarity® in assessing cognitive function in individuals with a history of seizures.
Methods: Methods: Individuals with a history of seizures who underwent neuropsychological assessment in the outpatient neurology clinic of a community hospital were included in the study. Participants completed both traditional pencil-and-paper neuropsychological assessments and the Cognivue Clarity® computerized assessment. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used via IBM SPSS Statistics Version 28 to analyze correlations between Cognivue Clarity® domains (memory, visuospatial functioning, and executive function/attention) and traditional neuropsychological measures assessing verbal memory, visuospatial functioning, and executive functioning.
Results: Results: The study sample consisted of 61 adults (33 men and 28 women) aged 20 to 80 (M = 50.82 years old), with an average of 15.10 years of education. Pearson correlation showed significant positive correlations between Cognivue Clarity® and traditional measures in visuospatial functioning (r(43) = 0.449, p = .003) and executive functioning (r(60) = 0.375, p = 0.003; r(56) = 0.441, p < 0.001; r(55) = 0.575, p < 0.001; r(54) = 0.378, p = 0.005). Correlations between Cognivue Clarity® and traditional memory measures were not significant.
Conclusions: Conclusions: Individuals with a history of seizures showed a statistically significant correlation in performance on the Cognivue Clarity® in areas of visuospatial and executive functioning when compared to traditional neuropsychological measures. The relationship between Cognivue Clarity® and traditional memory measures was not significant, likely because Cognivue Clarity’s® memory measures assess immediate recognition memory rather than true delayed retrieval memory, given the brevity of the Cognivue Clarity® assessment. These findings indicate that Cognivue Clarity® may be an appropriate screening or serial monitoring tool for individuals with a history of seizures.
Funding: N/A - No Funding was received.