Over-the-Counter Drugs and Epilepsy

Considerations for providers managing patients with epilepsy with acute medical conditions. 

Click the buttons below for more information on common acute medical conditions and considerations for managing these conditions and epilepsy.

Advise patients to read labels and to consult their physician if they have any questions. Advise patients to pay close attention to directions, dosing instructions, and steps to take in case of an overdose. Always read the label before prescribing a medication, as manufacturers may update product formulations or labeling.  

Medication warning (1)

Certain medications have the potential to increase the risk of seizures and may be best avoided in individuals with epilepsy whenever possible. 

  • First-generation allergy medications 
  • Dextromethorphan (cough suppressant) 
  • Pseudoephedrine (decongestant) 
  • Phenylephrine (decongestant) 


Certain medications can increase side effects or interact with antiseizure medications. Ensure you review potential drug interactions before prescribing or recommending any medication. 


Important medication (OTC and prescription) and supplement considerations for persons on ketogenic diets to help maintain efficacy of the diet.





This information was curated by the AES Treatments Committee to offer providers guidance on approved over-the-counter (OTC) drugs with an emphasis on their use by people with epilepsy. The information presented on this page is designed to be informational for a broad audience and is not medical advice. For personalized recommendations, speak to a pharmacist or healthcare provider.